Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Is This Normal!!

Today I was scheduled to have my wisdom teeth removed, notice I said teeth. I was scheduled to remove the lower ones. I get to my appointment at around 5pm and get in to the dreaded chair. The doc comes over and starts describing the procedure, and starts by injecting me with the local anesthetic. He then pokes around to see if I am numb, and guess what I am not. He gives me another shot and another, and still I am not numb. By now we are up to 4th shots or 5th if you count the one he gave me in the other side. The doctor starts to worry and telling me about the alternatives if the 5th shot doesn’t work. Surly enough the 5th shot does the trick, but I left the dentist with only one tooth missing rather then teeth.


Anonymous said...

5 shots!!!! thats too much..Sallamat..I had to remove one of mine a few years back as it was going in a wrong directions and damaged a few others..

Z. said...

islmic :) , my bro had the same problem as ur's i am guessing. His teeth were growing horisontally :S

Zed said...

i had the same problem, it took my dentist 3 hours and over 7 shots to remove one tooth, it was hell for him as much as it was hell for me