Saturday, December 22, 2007


Mom: Hi, hope you are studying and not wasting your time

Moi: I am :) , what you been up 2 lately woman?

Mom: I worry about u sometimes when u take the world as a game and do not estimate things right. In short u r young and inexperience, this is why I exist to guide u my dear.

Moi: Mother the only way ill stop doing my stupid shit is when I find who I am and what I am meant to be. Then and only then can I say no to opportunities thrown in my direction, because I know that they are not meant for me , and ill know that I am meant for better things

Mom: But you will always carry them with you, and it might take a lifetime to find yourself so do not do something that cannot be reverse or scars your vision.

Moi: Mom I need a target, by now I know this much about my self, when I have a target ill shoot straight at it. The trick is finding the right one I hope I am on the right track with the business that I am proposing. Did you ever ask your self why is it that I want to leave everything I know and go into un-ventured territory?

Mom: because you’re crazy, you’re trying to find out something by venturing and experimenting, rather then researching the informition. your the easiest and riskiest path… slower your pace.

Moi: lool that’s one way to look at it haha. It seems I do it because when I find my self in a situation I am not familiar with I rely on instinct and this is when I sneak a peak of the real me, the me I am looking for. One thing I can tell you is that I no longer want this in the way I am finding it not worth it any more.

Mom: good for the both of us.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


One of the most wonderful things about Kuwait is that it provides its people with the opportunity to better themselves and their country in turn. Every year they have a cretin number of scholarships used for educational purposes. They send the most deserving (or so it seems) students to study abroad, places such as the States, Australia, Egypt and the UK to name a few. The purpose of creating this opportunity is to educate the Kuwaiti citizens to create great minds, so that they can implement change and development. So, intelligent, smart and those who hold much promise are sent, so that they can one day become innovators right? Wrong. A minority of those who are sent are the one’s who actually fall under this category, the rest are the ones who’s father, mother, brother, uncles or whatever’s hold a great influence ( “ Wasta”) placed them their. Some of these students who have been placed into the program are truly deserving of it, when they get to their destinations they actually study, learn and improve themselves, thankful for the opportunity they have been given. In this case there is a justification for the use of “Wasta”. Others give Kuwaiti’s a bad name. They travel for the purpose of partying and bringing destruction to themselves. What’s worse is that even after their first year is up and no positive development has happened on behalf of a given student, “Wasta” is used again to keep him there. This has many repercussions on the following generations who apply to get a scholarship; the scrutinization is painful, yet many low life’s slip through the cracks and manage to get a scholarship once more thanks to the “Wasta”. So instead of punishing those who are the cause of the problem, it falls on the heads of those who aren’t even at fault. The worst part of the whole issue is that usually the people with the most influence are those with the greatest amount in their bank account. It is really unjust to use the “Wasta” to send their sons or daughters on a scholarship if they don’t deserve it, because they can afford to send them and this minimizes the available slots.